IA4SE – The Green Classroom

Project no°: KA220-SCH-274F99A4

As part of the IA4SE project (Innovative Approaches for a Sustainable Environment), both secondary school students and teachers are educated in the topics of the environment and sustainability in order to promote their awareness and behavior with regard to climate change. Various learning materials (analog and digital) are developed together with environmental experts in the form of interactive workshops, a handbook, and playful learning content.

Visiting Denmark's largest waste incineration plant (Amager Bakke, June 2024)

Project objectives & content

  • Contribute to awareness raising through structured and pedagogical sensitization to environmental issues.
  • Design specific methodologies that enhance the skills of students and teachers in creating modules and digital content.
  • Develop an inclusive digital module on the environment and climate change for science classes.
  • Exchange of good practices and transfer of knowledge and skills on environmental issues and awareness-raising measures between the members of the partner consortium.
  • Equip students with skills geared towards problem solving, risk taking and curiosity.
  • Teachers and students can acquire “green skills” through teaching and learning materials created using innovative education and training methods based on shared needs and requirements.
  • Promote and strengthen students' connection to the environment and nature and inspire them to adopt more sustainable lifestyles.

Project partners

Klimakampen (coordinator, Denmark), Peopleof2050 (Denmark), Karabük Toki Cevizkent Bahaddin Gazi Ortaokulu (Turkey), Scoala Gimnaziala “Ion Ghica” (Romania), NÖ NMS Mannersdorf (Austria)

Project duration

September 2023 – August 2025

IA4SE on social media


Project website

coming soon!


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